Sunday, February 26, 2012
Working Big, Working Hard
Here are two more 40" x 30" paintings to go with the former "Zoom" painting that was posted awhile back. I've been painting big; painting fast; and painting often this past week.....These two paintings are part of a triptych I named "Falling" -- with names like Zoom, Splash and Gravity, the name for the series just felt right.
In addition to these two new beauties, I managed to sneak in 5 more smaller works. Crazy, I know!!!
Why all the creative energy? I could push the blame towards Keith Richards again (damn caffeine drinks from HELL!) or I could let you all in on a little secret or two I have been keeping lately......
#1 -- I'm working with another talented artist friend to open an Art 4 Rent business for lobbies, model homes, residences, and corporate settings in the greater Sacramento area. Details coming very, very soon.
#2 -- MORE Magazine is publishing an article next month (April, 2012) about women who leave their jobs to follow their passions -- and I'm one of the featured women!!!
#3 -- I've got a MAJOR case of Spring fever, and it's manifesting in painting instead of Spring cleaning.
Or......ALL of the above.
In any case, I've been slinging paint; cutting glass; torching rods and firing enamels like there is no tomorrow. Yes -- I have a lot of new work to show for it. And yes -- it's about freaking time this "cold, empty" spell broke. Now I've got to manifest some of that energy into updating my websites to add the new works and to start marketing some of these new pieces.
I'm looking for businesses and people who want to hang original art but who might not be able to afford to purchase right now. If you know of anyone in the greater Sacramento area who might fall into this category, please let me know!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Making the Marks
Acrylic on canvas w/graphite & spray paints
40" x 30" on gallery-wrapped canvas
I've been on a painting frenzy these past couple of weeks (thanks Keith!!) and have edged my way into a whole, new series of works. They're non-representational abstracts, with acrylics, graphite, and spray paint. The spray paint is what I use to make the letters and numbers with (think stencils), and the lines and oval shapes are from a brayer and the lid of a deodorant stick.
Numbers, letters, equations and calligraphy have always fascinated me, and it's been a lot of fun incorporating them into my paintings. I call these new paintings my "Hidden Messages" -- even though they don't have any special or hidden meaning to me. Perhaps they will have meaning for someone else, but for now I'm happy with the way they complement the compositions of my work.
Here is another set that I did -- it's a triptych called "Playground" -- made with (3) 12" x 12" canvases.

I think this new series would look great in a lobby somewhere.....or a really cool loft with tall brick walls. Stay tuned for more photos -- I'm on a roll!
Friday, February 17, 2012
To Keith -- "A Burning Love"
"A Burning Love"
36" x 12"
Acrylic on canvas
I've never been much of a "heart" person but recently picked up some new acrylic paint pens and just had to go a little crazy! Here's "A Burning Love" that I made late one evening/early morning a couple of weeks ago, when I couldn't sleep because of Keith Richards.
The Keith Richards in question is not a new man in my life, but instead a high-octane caffeine drink made by a local coffeehouse. A Keith Richards is 2 shots of espresso with Shasta cola, poured over ice. I generally save this treat for special occasions, or for when I have a long day ahead and know I'm going to need some extra fuel to make it through to the end. I usually get one of these beverages between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., as I know I'll have an active, busy 12-hours ahead with a caffeine buzz. Unfortunately, on this particular day I chose to get one of these cups of liquid speed at approximately 11:00 a.m. and I will swear they must have added an extra shot of espresso!
Named after the talented though sometimes troubled Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones, this drink is legal liquid speed. And thanks to Keith, I broke my "dry spell" and am painting again like a crazy artist! "A Burning Love" is my tribute to Keith, to Valentine's Day (aka Singles Awareness Day) and to hooking up again with my muses. Enjoy!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
"Kelp Garden"
"Moon over Miami"
I know the economy has been slow and unemployment rates in California are still through the roof.....but for this artist, 2012 is turning out to be an awesome year with art sales. I really have to sit back and count my blessings. On Friday, a friend stopped by the studio and purchased these metal/fused glass sculptures that I did last September with fellow metal artist, Ed Haag. (sorry about the sucky photos -- obviously I took them myself!) Last month, I sold two of my personal favorite paintings -- "Glimpse of Spring" and "Fires Down Below" to two wonderful collectors in addition to several small glass art pieces. I have also been collecting steady checks from the galleries that I've been showing my glass work in, which is another added bonus.
Amazingly enough, the majority of my bills are managing to get paid with the proceeds of my art sales, and I'm eternally grateful, humbled, and astounded that I had the nerve to walk away from a successful career to follow my dream and my passion.
I've got so many ideas and artistic money-making opportunities brewing.....there's the interview I did recently with a national magazine as well as the licensing contract with All My Walls. I've also got several galleries asking for more works geared towards Spring, plus the show I just hung at 58 Degrees Restaurant & Bar in addition to another "secret" idea I'm brewing with another extremely talented abstract artist friend. I need to be careful not to get too carried away with the business end of things and concentrate on making more art!!!
Over the past few months I've come to love a popular 4-letter words in the English language....SOLD. And I hope to be saying that word on a daily basis! A year ago I would never have dreamed that I'd be doing what I'm doing. My only regret is I didn't do it sooner.
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