Sunday, February 26, 2012

Working Big, Working Hard

Here are two more 40" x 30" paintings to go with the former "Zoom" painting that was posted awhile back.  I've been painting big; painting fast; and painting often this past week.....These two paintings are part of a triptych I named "Falling" -- with names like Zoom, Splash and Gravity, the name for the series just felt right.

In addition to these two new beauties, I managed to sneak in 5 more smaller works.  Crazy, I know!!!

Why all the creative energy?  I could push the blame towards Keith Richards again (damn caffeine drinks from HELL!) or I could let you all in on a little secret or two I have been keeping lately......

#1 -- I'm working with another talented artist friend to open an Art 4 Rent business for lobbies, model homes, residences, and corporate settings in the greater Sacramento area.  Details coming very, very soon.

#2 --  MORE Magazine is publishing an article next month (April, 2012) about women who leave their jobs to follow their passions -- and I'm one of the featured women!!!

#3 -- I've got a MAJOR case of Spring fever, and it's manifesting in painting instead of Spring cleaning.

Or......ALL of the above.

In any case, I've been slinging paint; cutting glass; torching rods and firing enamels like there is no tomorrow.  Yes -- I have a lot of new work to show for it.  And yes -- it's about freaking time this "cold, empty" spell broke.  Now I've got to manifest some of that energy into updating my websites to add the new works and to start marketing some of these new pieces.

I'm looking for businesses and people who want to hang original art but who might not be able to afford to purchase right now.  If you know of anyone in the greater Sacramento area who might fall into this category, please let me know!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations JJ! You have worked very hard and it is paying off. I am so excited for you! Being in MORE Magazine is just the beginning. My amazingly talented beautiful friend will have art collectors clamoring for her work.
