Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Note from a Mentor

One of my favorite abstract artists and most beloved workshop leaders is the talented and incredible Robert Burridge.  Besides making and teaching inspiring art in places all over the world, Bob's energy and enthusiasm is contagious and I can honestly say he played a significant role in giving me the confidence and marketing skills to make the leap from real estate developer to artist. 

When MORE Magazine printed my interview in April, I shared this fact with them and their readers.  Since the article's publication, I've received over a dozen emails from people who have also taken a "Bob" workshop and they all say the same thing -- "he's amazing!"

Last week I was thrilled to open my emails and see the following letter:

"Dear Judy,
Wow and belated congratulations!
A student of mine brought me a hard copy of the article in More Magazine. I am super proud of you and very grateful to you for mentioning me.
It's always great and satisfying to know that I have inspired others to follow their bliss. Many have inspired me to do what I do -- together we can all keep this ball rolling!
Love, Peace and Happiness.
I learned how to invite my Inner Child to come out and play at Bob's workshops and I haven't stopped since.  Every once in awhile I need Her help in coaxing our innocent imagination to the forefront of my mind but thanks to Bob, I know She's there, waiting for the tasks and worry from the day to disappear so She can pick up a brush and begin having fun.  Here's one of the paintings I created in a Burridge workshop in Mendocino!
 "Mendocino Fences"
18" x 24" acrylic on canvas
- SOLD -


  1. What a wonderful email! And he's right - together we can keep this ball rolling.

    I know that you have definitely inspired me to try and be more organized and 'business-like' with my artistic career. Congratulations again on the interview! :)

    And I always love your use of colors! If Mendocino Fences weren't already sold, I'd be tempted to snatch it up!

  2. enjoyed running thro your blog! wonderful art ...cheers!

  3. I'm a Bobette also and agree with your statements about Bob. Found you on FB and love your work.
