Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dancing with the Stars

"Dancing with the Stars"
20" x 20"
Acrylic on canvas

I'm often asked where I come up with the titles for my paintings and I have to tell you the names just pop into my mind.  It usually happens right before it's time to say "stop" and with this particular painting, the title was screaming to be born.  

I have never watched the popular TV show "Dancing with the Stars" before.  I'm not a fact I feel like a bull in a china shop on the dance floor and haven't danced in years.  Yet this phrase kept making itself known as I was putting the finishing touches on this piece that I had started at my SF workshop a couple of weeks ago.

So I tell myself I need to go with the name because it's what my "Muse" wants me to do.  And there's nothing worse than a pouting here's the last painting in my purple series (for now).  I suppose if you really look closely at the drips on the right, you can sort of maybe see a couple of dancers with their arms wrapped around each other, dancing in the moonlight underneath the stars....or not!

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